Industrial \ Metal Party - Aggrotech/Industrial/EBM/Electronics - zaterdag 18 juni 2022 - STUDIOGONZ - Cafe/Podium/Club in Gouda

zaterdag 18 juni 2022

Industrial \ Metal Party


Het is de hoogste tijd voor weer een lekkere Industrial en Metal avond in StudioGonz met live optredens, DJ en afterparty! Met Von Mollestein, Prickrott en Black Burned Blimp.

Industrial \ Metal Party

Zaal open: 21:00 uur
Deur sluit: 00:00 uur

Tickets Niet-leden: €7.00
Tickets Niet-leden VVK: €5.00

Tickets Leden: €5.00
Tickets Leden VVK: €3.00

Dit event is geweest

Het is de hoogste tijd voor weer een lekkere Industrial en Metal avond in StudioGonz met live optredens, DJ en afterparty!

Met Von Mollestein, Prickrott en Black Burned Blimp.

*** Von Mollestein ***

!Now lets get hard! From the hands of Dunkelwalt Immerkalt an electronic dark nightmare was born...with the twisted mind of Mr. Cooger that nightmare was giving a voice. And so...Von Mollestein was born to create chaos and disorder.

*** Prickrott ***
[Industrial Black Metal]
Created in 2005, Prickrott started as a small two-man project out of a common interest to create engaging hateful music. Two demo's were compiled after the first years, entitled "Fuck Your God" and "Hate United" which gained some notoriety within the extreme music scene.
After that, work began on a demo called "Total Fucking Meltdown" which expressed a more raw black metal edge. This demo was released for free on the internet, but was later picked up and released on tape by Zwaertgevegt with an added bonustrack.
After the release of Cyberworm, Prickrott received the opportunity to expand into a full band, and rehearsals began in preparation of our first live assaults and upcoming new album.
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*** Black Burned Blimp ***
[Desert Rock]
Beer bong stoner rock from the Netherlands.
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StudioGonz, Turfsingel 36, Gouda, NL..

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